The cost of each room can differ slightly, depending on which house it is in and the size. In either case, all costs for room, communal facilities and resident assistance are included in the price. Utilities are separate and settled every half-year, at year-end and at the end of the lease according to usage.
Depending on the size of the room the monthly rent is between 220.00 and 248.00 Euros.
plus monthly
Allotment for electricity is 10.00 Euros and heating is 35.00 Euros
Per room 239.00 Euros a month
plus monthly
Allotment for electricity is 10.00 Euros and heating is 45.00 Euros
A security deposit of 300.00 Euros is paid at move-in.
Are you interested in living in one of our dormitories?
Then please fill out the following online form. We will contact you directly if we are able to offer you a room.